Thursday, 26 January 2012

A short video of our dancing ducks, posted by a guest onto Youtube!Link

The dancing ducks-youtube

We love our ducks!

We've done it at last!!

We've done it at last!! Our restaurant was given a beautiful makeover at the start of the month, and is now fresh, modern and ready for lots of hungry customers!
Come and sit in the warmth by our authentic water wheel and enjoy a bottle of wine on the house up until March 31st!

Our Valentines day menu is looking delicious and the day is booking up fast so come and cosy up in our candle lit wheelroom with a romantic dinner, and spend the night in one of our gorgeous hotel rooms with a free bottle of sparkling wine!

Visit our website and have a browse at the fantastic offers we are offering this month!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

A Somerset Valentines Day

Happy New Year!

Booking now for Valentines Day......Tuesday 14th February 2012.

Click here for the menu and call now to book a table!

See you then....!!